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Minneapolis-St. Paul Wrongful Death Lawyers

Losing a loved one to someone else’s negligence is especially painful. The accident that took your loved one should never have happened. Though nothing can bring them back, you should not have to suffer financially on top of your other losses. The experienced, attentive lawyers at Keller, Woods & Thompson, P.A., will work hard to make sure you recover the wrongful death damages you and your family deserve. We are tenacious on behalf of our clients who lost a loved one through an accident.

Pursuing Damages With Compassion After The Death Of A Loved One

No one can put a price on a lost life, though a wrongful death claim will do its best to acknowledge your loss and recognize the financial cost of your loved one’s death. Your loss of a loved one means losing not just time with them but your future happiness and security as well. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, wrongful death claims allow the following types of damages:

  • Final medical care and funeral expenses
  • Loss of potential earnings
  • Mental anguish and suffering
  • Loss of companionship and care
  • Loss of assistance and services

There are slight differences between the two states. As Minneapolis wrongful death lawyers, we will explain the details of the damages that might apply to your case when we meet with you.

Questions Clients Often Ask Our Wrongful Death Lawyers

We know the idea of pursuing a wrongful death claim while you are mourning is not always appealing. Below, our attorneys answer some common questions they receive about wrongful death claims and explain how they can help you:


Who can bring a wrongful death claim in Minnesota?

In general, the surviving spouse or the deceased person’s other next of kin can petition the court to appoint a trustee. That trustee can then file a wrongful death action on behalf of the estate. If the lawsuit is successful, the proceeds will then be distributed to the surviving spouse or other relatives (such as the deceased’s children or parents) according to their losses.

What damages can I sue for in a wrongful death claim?

Damages in a wrongful death claim can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Typically, these include economic losses, such as the cost of medical expenses related to the fatal injury, funeral expenses for the deceased, and the loss of financial support and benefits, such as health insurance, the deceased would have provided for their dependents if they had survived.

However, a wrongful death claim also typically includes non-economic damages, such as the value of the emotional suffering and mental anguish suffered by the surviving family members and the loss of the deceased’s guidance, support and companionship.

In rare cases, the court may also award punitive damages, which are designed to punish the defendant for their actions and set an example for others.

What qualifies as emotional distress in a wrongful death claim?

You certainly may deserve compensation for emotional distress in a wrongful death lawsuit. This goes beyond typical damages, such as medical bills, and even potential punitive damages. Essentially, your loved one has passed away due to someone else’s negligence, and you have experienced emotional trauma as a result. You deserve compensation since you would not have experienced that loss without the tragic accident.

As you can imagine, it can be a bit more complex to take legal action and seek compensation for emotional distress, since the value of that claim is hard to quantify. It is not as simple as presenting medical records of physical injuries, for instance. That’s why it is so important to talk with an experienced lawyer when considering a wrongful death claim. They can help you explore all of your options and consider all types of compensation.

The key areas to consider are the specific emotions you’ve felt, the treatment they’ve required and how they may have changed your life.

For instance, if you were also in the vehicle during a fatal car accident, it could lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies find this is most common when someone else passes away. This can lead to sorrow, despair, anger, flashbacks, nightmares and psychological issues – such as no longer being able to drive or practicing severely limiting avoidance behavior. PTSD can be a disability that even keeps you out of work.

You may also have suffered a loss of consortium. This focuses on the intimate relationship you had with your spouse, both physically and emotionally, and how you have lost that relationship due to the fatal accident.

Medical records can be helpful in these cases. For instance, a doctor may diagnose you with clinical depression and anxiety after the crash, for which you now need medication. In severe cases of PTSD, you may no longer be able to work or even interact with those around you. You may have to go to therapy, which can be beneficial but costly. An experienced attorney can help you gather the necessary paperwork.

What are common reasons for wrongful death claims?

A wrongful death claim can result from all kinds of actions or inactions, both negligent and deliberate. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Car accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Assaults and other criminal acts
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Dog attacks
  • Truck accidents

If your loved one died due to another party’s mistakes, do not try to guess if you have a case. Let an attorney assess your options.

What does Minnesota law say about wrongful death actions?

Minnesota’s wrongful death statute is Section 573.012. It explains the basics of what a wrongful death action and how a lawsuit can commence. In the difficult time following a loved one’s death, you can rely on our wrongful death lawyers to help you understand what to do next.

A Minneapolis Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help You Through The Process

Our attorneys give every client individualized attention. We are here to listen to your questions and concerns, as well as explain the issues that arise in your case. That way, you can make informed decisions that are best for you and your family.

We would never pretend that this process will be easy for you, but we will do our best to help you through it and make it go as smoothly as possible. Our Minneapolis wrongful death lawyers are here to take on the difficult legal challenges on your behalf so that you can focus on your family.

Discuss Your Case With Us

We help families throughout the region from our Minneapolis office. Find out how we can help you through a free consultation. Call experienced Minneapolis wrongful death lawyers at 763-447-4076 or reach out to us online.